Security Health Checks Packages

Our Security Health Checks Packages offer a tailor-made defense strategy, expert insights, and rapid results.

Choose the most suitable modules for your specific needs

Our Security Health Checks Packages have been meticulously crafted to offer you a robust line of defense against potential vulnerabilities, ensuring your IT infrastructure remains resilient and secure. With a focus on modularity and flexibility, our services allow you to select the most beneficial modules that suit your specific needs. 

Our range of specialized modules covers an array of critical security aspects, all designed to improve and fortify your digital presence. The modular approach empowers you to select the modules that align precisely with your requirements, ensuring that you receive a solution tailored to your organization’s unique challenges. Our services are designed to optimize your cybersecurity posture within a short timeframe, with each module typically spanning only several mandays. 

Each module is carefully designed and delivered by our team of seasoned professionals, ensuring thorough analysis, strategic recommendations, and actionable insights. 

  • +
    security experts
  • +
    security certificates
  • +
    Implemented projects
  • + mil
    vulnerabilities detected per month
  • + tis
    devices audited

What can we help you with?

  • Přehledná zpráva s identifikací kritických míst, s konkrétními technickými řešeními, včetně strategických doporučení
  • Finančně nenářočné služby s významným bezpečnostním dopadem
  • Nezávislý pohled na bezpečnost Vaší organizace
  • Rozsáhlá expertýza podpořená profesionálním týmem a zkušenostmi z různorodých prostředí
  • Budete se moci snáze rozhodnout o nasazení vhodných bezpečnostních nástrojů a řešení

Reference našich zákazníků

Cyber Security

Security audit at Electrotrans a.s.

ELEKTROTRANS a.s. is one of the leaders on the Czech market in providing comprehensive services in the field of transmission and distribution of electric energy. This position places high demands on the security of the entire IT infrastructure of the company. We helped Elektrotrans to check this infrastructure by means of penetration tests and security audit.
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Cyber Security

Checking infrastructure elements for Schaltag

Axians conducted external penetration tests, focusing primarily on border infrastructure elements. This was followed by web application testing. The test included the use of a brute force attack on employee login credentials. The web application testing involved automated testing followed by manual testing
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Cyber Security

Penetration testing for Ministry of Justice CZ

Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic cooperates with Axians to protect its infrastructure. Our services included external penetration tests, web application testing and internal infrastructure penetration test.
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