The provider (operator) of this website is the company:

AXIANS ICT CZ, s.r.o.,
ID 24236594,
with its registered office at Lazaretní 925/9,Zábrdovice, 615 00 Brno,
a company registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 200961,
VAT ID CZ24236594
( hereinafter referred to as “Axians ICT CZ”).

Axians ICT CZ is a brand of VINCI Energies. The holder of the rights to the website «» is the company VINCI Energies.

Since the legal notices may be changed at any time, without notice, we advise you to read them regularly. Last update: 2022 April

Site Hosting:

Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited
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Reception: +353 (1) 2953826

Photo credits:

credits: unsplash / adobe stock / pixabay / pexels
The photos used on this website are non-contractual

Concept, Design and Programming:


Tequila Rapido


All content on the Axians ICT CZ website has been carefully reviewed. Axians ICT CZ strives to ensure that the content on its website is current and correct. However, no guarantee can be given for the completeness, correctness, timeliness and constant availability of the website.

Any content on the Axians ICT CZ website is for informational purposes only and not as advice or advisory. Axians ICT CZ is not liable for damage (injury) caused by such advice or following recommendations. However, this does not affect the contractual liability or obligations/liability arising from generally binding legal regulations.

Axians ICT CZ assumes no responsibility for the content and availability of third-party websites that may be accessed through external sites. Axians ICT CZ expressly dissociates itself from any content that may be inherent in the provisions of criminal law, the Civil Code, or other legal regulations, or that is contrary to the principles of decency.

Website content rights

Intellectual property

VINCI Energies Management owns, reserves, and retains all property rights, and in particular intellectual property rights, to this Site and its content, including reproduction rights. Accordingly, the partial or total reproduction of this Site or its content is strictly forbidden without VINCI Energies Management’s written authorization.

Brands, patents, logos and other distinctive signs appearing on this Site are the property of VINCI Energies Management or subject to a dedicated user’s licence to VINCI Energies Management benefit. No rights or licences may be granted in respect thereof without the written authorisation of VINCI Energies Management or of the third party owning those rights.

Except for the use of the website at the normal user level, the website visitor is not entitled to interfere in any other way with the website environment and related systems, technologies or applications, to change, adapt, modify or otherwise interfere with them.

Copyright © Axians ICT CZ, s.r.o. All rights reserved!


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VINCI Energies Management shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from accessing or using this Site and/or its content, including inaccessibility, loss of data, damage, destruction and viruses that could affect the user’s computer equipment and/or the presence of viruses on the Site.

VINCI Energies Management has used all reasonable care and skill to provide reliable content on this Site but gives no warranty that the content is free from inaccuracies or omissions. Accordingly, VINCI Energies Management cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions or for the unavailability of information or services. VINCI Energies Management reserves the right to improve and/or change the content of its Site at any time and without notice. Accordingly, users acknowledge that they use such information at their own risk.

VINCI Energies reserves the right to improve and / or change the content of its website at any time and without prior notice.

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This Site may include links to other websites or Internet sources. Insofar as VINCI Energies Management cannot control these external sites and sources, it is not responsible for enabling users to access these external sites and sources. Accordingly, VINCI Energies Management shall not be liable for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources. These links are offered as a service to Axians Site users. The decision to activate the links resides solely with Site users.

We would remind you that non-affiliated websites are subject to their own terms and conditions of use.